Tuesday Apr 11, 2023

Episode 60 | The Dental Handoff with Dr. Tim Donley

In this week's Dental Handoff, Dr. Kelly Tanner welcomes in Dr. Tim Donley!

Timothy Donley DDS MSD is currently in the private practice of Periodontics and Implantology in Bowling Green, KY. His education included the University of Notre Dame, Georgetown University School of Dentistry, and Indiana University for his specialty training.

He lectures and publishes frequently on topics of interest to clinical dentists and hygienists. He co-authored the first-ever textbook on debridement and is active in oral-systemic research. Dr. Donley feels strongly that it is finally time for dentistry to occupy its rightful place on the health care stage.

For at least the last 15 years his practice has focused on getting his patients inflammation-free then doing whatever is necessary to keep them that way over their lifespan. His is currently focused on introducing all dental stakeholders to the new wellness narrative of dentistry through which better patient outcomes, better practice performance and better personal satisfaction are possible.

In this conversation, Dr. Donley shares his insights from decades of experience in the dental industry, including his experience as an expert witness, how the dental and medicinal industries should work together, and more!


Where to find Dr. Tim Donley

Website, Beyond the Mouth: www.beyondthemouth.com

instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beyondthemouth/

Where to Find Dr. Kelly:

Let's Connect! Book a Call today to see how I can help you create high-performance teams, discuss educational programs, or how I can be of assistance. https://calendly.com/drkellytanner/30min

Visit us at https://www.nextleveldentalhygiene.com

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