Tuesday Aug 09, 2022

Episode 26 : Heather Miller | Taking Baby Steps with Dental Hygiene Tech

In this week's Dental Handoff, Dr. Kelly is joined by Heather Miller, RDH!

Heather has almost 30 years of experience in the dental field. The first 15 of those as a CDA and the last 14 as a RDH. In addition, for the past 9 years Heather has been a
Professional Educator for the WaterPik Company. 

Heather is passionate about dental health and education. In pursuit of those ends, she
recently obtained her bachelors degree from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst summa cum laude, with a concentration in health administration, education and promotion.

Recently, her clinical practice has been incorporating digital scanning into hygiene
appointments. When Heather has down time, you can find her on her paddle board enjoying the water and nature.

Heather would love to hear from you and can be reached at hmiller100@me.com and
on LinkedIn.

Dr. Kelly and Heather discuss how Heather found her way into the dental field and dental hygiene, how she has learned to embrace and efficiently implement new technology, and her advise for others entering the dental hygiene field.

Where to Find Dr. Kelly:

Let's Connect! Book a Call today to see how I can help you create high-performance teams, discuss educational programs, or how I can be of assistance. 


Visit us at https://www.nextleveldentalhygiene.co

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