Tuesday Jul 19, 2022

Episode 23: Angela Richwine, RDH | Everything is Connected

In this week's Dental Handoff, Dr. Kelly is joined by Angeline Richwine, RDH!

Angela has worked in the dental field for 28 years, starting as an orthodontic assistant and shortly thereafter becoming a registered dental hygienist, holding licensure in both Virginia and California. Angela served as the PAC Chair lobbying the Virginia legislature on issues important to dental hygienists. She is the owner of Central Virginia OMT LLC and offers therapy sessions to individuals with orofacial myofunctional disorders. Angela is currently the Director of Operations for Airway Circle, a platform for airway-centric healthcare providers to gather for airway education and collaboration. Angela and Bowen have been married for 22 years, have three sons, 18, 16, and 12. They enjoy traveling, sitting on the sidelines cheering for their boys, attending University of Virginia sporting events, and relaxing near the river.

In the episode, Dr. Kelly and Angela discuss:

- Angela recounts her first meeting with Dr. Kelly

- Why she chose dental hygiene after starting to work in orthodontics

- Why her children serve as her primary motivator in the dental industry

- Her son’s tongue issue got influenced her foray into dentistry

- How a sleep study helped her identify her son’s sleep apnea

- Why ff you feel your tongue is too big for your mouth, its really the mouth that’s too small for the tongue

- How to find the root cause of mouth and sleep issues

- How to go about making more space in a mouth

- Bad sleep signs to look for of bad sleep

- What you can learn about controlling your breathing from Michael Phelps

- and so much more!

Where to Find Dr. Kelly:

Let's Connect! Book a Call today to see how I can help you create high-performance teams, discuss educational programs, or how I can be of assistance. 


Visit us at https://www.nextleveldentalhygiene.co

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